Adobe Connected Assets


Adobe Connected Assets



What is Connected Assets?

It’s a Out of the Box functionality provided as part of adobe AEM 6.5 onwards to connect One AEM deployment instance assets to another AEM instance. So that Content Authors from one Experience Manager instance can search and utilize the Assets from another experience Manager instance Seamlessly.


Use Case:

For example, if we have different AEM instance pertaining to different Line of Business in this case lets say Legal department has one AEM instance and Tax Department has one separate AEM instance.In this case either site content authors from Legal instance or Tax instance can seamlessly access the assets in other LOB seamlessly using Connected Assets Feature.


Asset instance (AEM instance which sources the Assets) and site instance(AEM instance which makes use of Assets from other instance for their site content) can either reside in On prem or AMS cloud or Cloud as a Service.

Please refer the below table from Adobe for compatibility.




Sites as a Cloud Service

Experience Manager 6.5 Sites on AMS

Experience Manager 6.5 Sites on-premise

Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service




Experience Manager 6.5 Assets on AMS




Experience Manager 6.5 Assets on-premise

Not Supported

Not Supported

Not Supported



How to Integrate or Enable Adobe Connected Assets with AEM instance?

1.     Prerequisites:

a)      Two AEM 6.5 version and above instances one for Source Asset AEM Instance(Example http://localhost:4502) and another for Target Site AEM instance(Example http://localhost:4504)

b)     User and Groups

Experience Manager Site Instance

For this integration I had created a local user(siteauthor) who is going to author the site content and going to search and utilize the remote DAM assets for this site.This user should be member of authors and dam user group in experience manager site instance.

Experience Manager Asset Instance

For this integration I had created a local user(remotedamauthor) using this user sites instance makes a connection to remote dam instance and downloads the assets to “connectedassets” folder in site instance as read-only. This user is supposed to be part of “dam user” group in experience manager dam instance.


Important Note:

However I faced an issue the connectivity was not successful by adding “dam user” group alone. I also added modify permission to /Lib/dam folder as shown below in order to work.

Refer to below Support forum thread of mine:


2.     Connected Assets Configuration:

Configure the connected assets in experience manager site instance as shown below.

a)      In the Experience Manager Site Asset navigate to Tools à Assets à Connected Asset Configuration

b)     Under Connected Asset Configuration update the below information





Title for the configuration

Remote Dam URL

URL of Experience Manager Dam Instance

Remote Dam technical User name

remotedamauthor(Which as group dam user assigned also I added modify to /lib/dam folder as referred above)

Remote Dam Technical User Password

remotedamauthor password

Mount Point

Folder where shared assets will get downloaded in site instance in readonly mode.If needed we can give our own name with additional subfolders sample “remotedam/lob”

Local site url

Sample http://localhost4502 (Site instance)

Local site Technical User Name

Sample siteauthor with permission dam user and author

Local site technical user password

Password of local site technical user name

Original Binary Transfer Optimization

We can adjust as per our need and network bandwidth

Datastore shared with connected assets

If Source and Target sites share same data source enable this to avoid data transmission between them.


c)      Click Test. You should get a success message as shown below


3.     CORS Entry in DAM Instance

Noe in the DAM Experience Manager Remote instance go to http://localhost:4504/system/console/configMgr -->Adobe Granite Cross Origin Sharing Policy and add the below config as shown below.

4.     Disable Launcher for connected assets folder (in Local Site Instance)

Since Assets renditions are already generated in Source of Remote DAM instance if you don’t want them to be regenerated in local site instance in that case make the below configuration in launch config.
















5.     Limitations

a.      Any changes to local assets will not get reflected in remote assets.

b.      Only images and certain documents formats are supported. Content fragment and experience fragment are not supported.

c.      Experience manager does not fetch the metadata schema applied to remote assets.




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